Oily skin happens when the sebaceous glands in the skin make too much sebum. Sebum is the waxy, oily substance that protects and hydrates the skin. Sebum is vital for keeping the skin healthy. However, too much sebum can lead to oily skin, clogged pores, and acne. Managing oily skin often requires a person making regular skin care a habit. In this article, we talk about ways in which a person can reduce the symptoms of oily skin and keep a healthier and smoother skin.

TIP NO 1 → Wash Regularly

Washing regularly can reduce the amount of oil on the skin. The following methods are recommended for washing oily skin:

  • ∎ Wash with a gentle soap or medicated gentle cleanser and warm water.
  • ∎ Avoid soaps with fragrances, added moisturizers, or harsh chemicals, which can irritate or dry out the skin, making it respond by creating more sebum.
  • ∎ Avoid loofahs and rough washcloths, as added friction may stimulate the skin to make more oil.

TIP NO 2 → Use a Toner

Astringent toners that contain alcohol tend to dry out the skin from excesses sebum.

Toners Also tighten the skin pores leading to less sebum secretions. People should test out any new toner on a small patch of skin to avoid potential irritation.

TIP NO 3 → Pat the Face Dry

When drying the face after washing and using toner, people should gently pat their skin dry with a soft towel.

This should be done with care, however. Pulling down on the skin with a towel, or using a rough washcloth, is not advised, as it may stimulate the skin to create more sebum.

TIP NO 4 → Use a Facial Mask

Certain facial masks may be beneficial for treating oily skin. Masks can absorb oils and reduce skin shininess and sebum levels without irritating the skin. Use them only occasionally to prevent the skin drying out and apply a gentle moisturizer afterward.

TIP NO 5 → Apply Moisturizers

While many people with oily skin steer clear of moisturizers for fear that their skin will look greasier, using the right moisturizers can benefit this type of skin.

For people with very oily skin, an oil-free moisturizer could help keep the skin moist and protected, without it feeling greasy.

TIP NO 6 → Always Removing Makeup at Night

It is essential to always remove makeup before going to sleep.

Sleeping in makeup overnight can cause the pores to become blocked due to a buildup of makeup, oil, and bacteria.

TIP NO 7 → Wearing Sunscreen

It is crucial to care for the skin when in the sun. Sun exposure can dry the skin, making pores appear larger. Many moisturizers contain sunscreen. People should choose one with an SPF of 30 or over.

TIP NO 8 → Prevention

Oily skin that is linked to genetics can be difficult to prevent. Even oily skin caused by changes in hormones is difficult to control.

The best prevention for oily skin is for an individual to find a consistent skin care routine that works, and to stick to it.

When oily skin arises, it can be tempting to hide it with makeup. However, certain products, particularly oil-based products, could make symptoms worse or clog the pores.

Water-based makeup may be a better option for some, while others find wearing no makeup works best for their skin.

Many people also say their diet is what keeps their skin from acting up. It may help to stay hydrated, avoid greasy foods and trans fats, and to eat a well-rounded diet full of whole foods.

We picked for you

Uriage Hyseac Range

The skin care program from Uriage for oily and combined skin for a clear, mattified and flawless skin

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