What to expect with a 25-27 month old baby

From potty training to tantrums, things are certainly far from dull with your toddler!


Ready for the potty?

Only you will know if your toddler is ready to start toilet training. It usually happens between the ages of two and three, but each child will get there at their own pace (and doing it too early will only make the process longer and more difficult). There are some signs you can look out for such as your toddler being able to tell you when they need a wee or poo, when they’ve done one or showing an interest when you go to the toilet. Even if your child isn’t quite there yet, it’s a good idea to buy a potty and have it around the house to get them used to seeing it and sitting on it.


Terrible twos

Your toddler may have already shown you their stubborn streak, but tantrums can really step up a gear at this age. Your child knows what they want but they can’t understand when they don’t get their own way. Sometimes you can’t do anything to stop a tantrum, especially when there’s no obvious reason for it, but if you can spot one brewing, try to intercept it early – use a toy to distract them or point out something interesting. Anything that shifts their focus could avoid a full-blown meltdown.


Increased dexterity

From being able to pull off their own socks to kicking a ball with increasing accuracy, your toddler is learning how to control their own movements more and more. This increased coordination means that each trip out becomes an exciting assault course where they can climb, jump or hop along. Although it might take you a bit longer to get from A to B, all this activity means your child is burning off some of that seemingly limitless energy – and that can’t be a bad thing, right?



Now could be the time to drop your toddler’s morning nap (if you haven’t already). But remember: they’ll still need one in the early afternoon for around two hours in order to recharge their batteries, especially after an active morning. Make sure your child doesn’t snooze for too long in the afternoon if you want them to be tired enough to go to sleep at bedtime.


How you’re feeling

Although your toddler has already hit so many developmental milestones, there are still a few big ones to come. The thought of potty training or moving your child from a cot to a bed might be playing on your mind – these big events can feel just as daunting as earlier ones. Remember the rule of phases: even if you have a difficult few weeks, you can get through them just like you have with all the others. Stay strong and seek support where you can. You’ve got this!



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