Toddlers are notoriously picky eaters. So don't be surprised if feeding your once easy-to-please child has turned into a major challenge. The good news: Peaceful mealtimes with your headstrong toddler are still possible.
18 months to 3 years
Toddler-Friendly Snacks
Add these smart snacks to your repertoire to fill in nutritional gaps in your toddler's diet
Winning Over Your Toddler
Your headstrong toddler may suddenly want to have a say in when, what, and how much she eats. Here are some tips on keeping the peace:
Snacking Sense
Nutritious snacks are the ideal answer to your toddler's erratic eating habits. Offering your little one
balanced and healthy snacks doesn't just keep him from hungry in between meals; it's also a lowpressure way to sneak in additional nutrients that he may have missed out on at earlier meals.
Sweet Treats
Health experts agree that at any age, a wholesome diet allows room for a sweet treat every now and then, and that holds true for toddlers.
Healthy Toddler-Friendly Snacks
These ideas for no-guilt sweets are filled with good-for-you ingredients for growing bodies.